One of the stories my parents love to tell about me growing up was when a friend and I climbed into our huge toybox and played, unnoticed. My mom finally found us in there, after looking everywhere for us (the lid was closed). Zachary is, apparently, a bit too much like his father.

The other evening, he emptied his toybox, and climbed in, and started playing in there. Of course, he got bored after a while, so he climbed out and started playing with the toys he had thrown out of his toybox.
"Hmmm...what should I do with all these toys?"

"Oh, I know!"

"I'll stuff them down my shirt! It'll be a blast!"

"Hmmm...it's kinda lumpy. Maybe I should unload them. I bet if I stand up, they'll all fall out!"

What can you do? We definitely get free entertainment. :)
I used to do that too when I was little. I have some pictures of it. :) He looks like he's having a really good time!
He really is a lot like his daddy. But, he is so precious, and he did look like he was having a good time. You also have to consider, you have all that free entertainment, and someday you will be telling your grandkids about what their daddy did as a kid. :-)
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